Is this recyclable? Answers to your most common recycling questions

Is this recyclable? Answers to your most common recycling questions
7 Minute Read

You probably already know that glass, metal, and paper are recyclable, but what about toothbrushes, rubber bands, and old computers? These items don’t really fall into standard recycling categories and aren’t in your neighborhood recycling guide. So what do you do with them? The truth is: there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but the main goal is to divert as many items from going to the landfill as possible, because once they get there, they get contaminated and lose their value.

Hmmm . . . what if we could sort through our items, so that they could be recycled, remanufactured, or repurposed into something new? No longer would items be viewed as “trash”, but instead, they could maintain their status as a “resource.” Really think about that for a sec. If the material of every item could be used for something else, then we would have no trash. This idea has the ability to completely redefine what our waste is worth, and actually already has a name. It’s called a Circular Economy, where every material is a resource for something else, and nothing goes to waste—just like in nature.

Currently, some areas have facilities that collect specific items, such as bubble wrap or hazardous materials, but the problem is: every area is different. Once a week, I have curbside recycling for glass, metal, certain plastics, and paper. And on Saturdays, there are compost and clothing collection areas at my local park. Every few months, I take old electronics to Best Buy and my household’s accumulation of plastic bags to the grocery store, both of which have recycling bins for this purpose. This may seem like a lot of effort, and it definitely took a while to implement a system that worked, but now that I have different bins at home to keep everything organized, it’s pretty simple.

Now I don’t want you to start feeling overwhelmed. You may be lucky enough to live in an area that collects everything at one facility. I visited Vermont a few years ago and there was a local station where you could take books, food scraps, clothing, trash, and electronics, and there was a bin for everything! They even had a recycling guide to help you figure out what went where.

So where do I start?

Its best to take a look at what you normally throw out, and then see if any of those items can be collected in your curbside recycling program (if you have one). If not, you can check out or, which allow you to plug in your zip code to see if there is a local collection facility. You can designate a bin for these items and drop everything off once its full. My guess is: you’ll  make a trip every few months, which is totally manageable.

To get you started, I’ve made you a recycling guide, starting with 10 items commonly found in our homes that fall into that grey area. It may not be a disposal encyclopedia, but it can certainly clear up a few things, and get you on the right path.

Here’s Your Recycling Guide:

Food Wrappers (energy bars, chip bags):

Image of a square protein bar in a black wrapper, an item that is typically not recyclable

Are Food Wrappers Recyclable? No

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations: No

Disposal: Trash can


Image of a knotted blue rubber band, an item that is typically not recyclable

Are rubberbands recyclable? No

Disposal: Trash can

Ways to reuse/repurpose:

  • Donate it to a local school or non-profit
  • Drop them off at your local Post Office–they will be grateful and will definitely be used
  • Try to reuse them for as long as they live! Green Mountain Energy has a bunch of great ideas on how to reuse/repurpose rubber bands

Plastic Bags:

Image of two blue plastic bags with the words: "The New York Times" printed on them. Plastic bags are typically recyclable

Are plastic bags recyclable? Yes

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: Many local groceries stores often have drop-off bins for plastic bags (usually near the entrance). can show you where your local drop off locations are. Across the country, stores like Target, Whole Foods, Best Buy and Walmart all have collection bins.

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Ways to reuse/repurpose:

  • Save it for your next move
  • See if a small business near you can use it for their outgoing orders
  • If you have enough of it, post it on Craigslist under “free” and I promise you, someone will want it

Electronics (printers, remotes, rechargeable batteries, cables/cords, computers, etc):

Image of a silver electrical cord wrapped around itself on a white background, e-waste like this is recyclable where available

Are electronics recyclable? Yes

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: Yes. Most Best Buy Stores have recycling bins just for this purpose.

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Yoga Mats:

Image of a blue yoga mat that is rolled up. Yoga mats are recyclable in specific locations

Are yoga mats recyclable? Yes

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: Yes: FedEx, Target, Walgreens, Goodwill

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can


Image of a pair of tan TOMS shoes on a white background

Are shoes recyclable? No

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Donation Locations*: Yes: Goodwill, Salvation Army, thrift stores, and even your local farmer’s market may have a collection outpost

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Bubble Wrap:

Image of a rectangular piece of bubble wrap, which is usually not recyclable

Is bubble wrap recyclable? Yes

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: At specific locations. e.g: Whole Foods Market

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Ways to reuse/repurpose:

  • Save it for the next time you move
  • See if a small business near you can use it for their outgoing orders
  • If you have enough of it, post it on Craigslist under “free” and someone will surely need it


Image of a plastic toothbrush with an orange and blue handle and multicolored bristles. Toothbrushes are not recyclable

Are toothbrushes recyclable? No

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: 99.9% of  the time, the answer is no, but I have found a few locations in the US that accept them

Disposal: Trash can

Ways to reuse/repurpose:

  • Use it when detailing your car
  • Clean nooks and crannies in your home
  • Clean hard to reach places in your electronics
  • Shine your shoes!

Inkjet Printer Cartridges:

Image of three inkjet printer cartridges, which are recyclable

Is printer ink recyclable? Yes

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: Yes: FedEx, Target, Walgreens, Goodwill

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Gift Cards:

Are gift cards recyclable? Yes

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: Yes: Whole Foods Market, Best Buy

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Ways to reuse/repurpose:

  • Use it to smoothly apply decals or stickers
  • Use it to install a screen protector on your smart phone

Styrofoam cups and food containers:

Is styrofoam recyclable? Yes (but limited)

Curbside Recycling: No

Dropoff Recycling Locations*: Yes, depending on your local facilities

Last Resort for Disposal: Trash can

Tips for Disposal:

  • Just because it’s made of plastic, doesn’t mean its recyclable
  • If there’s a wrapper or cap on a recyclable item, separate it before putting it in the bin (that part may not be recyclable)
  • All recyclable items must be cleaned of any food residue (or it will be sent to the landfill)

For specific recycling programs and dropoff locations in your area, refer to or These are both amazing recycling guides that allow you to plug in your zip code and the specific item you are curious about.

Real Simple also has an article with an A-to-Z list of common items and tells you if it’s recyclable or not.

If you’re in the New York Area, visit GrowNYC for details about local recycling and disposal information.


Is there a trash item that wasn’t included in this recycling guide that you’re not sure how to dispose of?

Drop me a line and I’ll try to find the answer for you.

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